Why Copabee?
- Honey bee food is ready to use and can be used without the need for preparation (adding water or any other additives).
- Due to the presence of natural plant compounds, it is an excellent attractant for honey bees.
- Contains the minimum amount of sucrose relative to market products, simple sugars and suitable texture for easy digestion by honey bees.
- It does not leave a residue in the hive and therefore does not contaminate the honey in the hive.
- It strengthens the bees, increases the colony population, spawns and reduces the stress of the hive and supplies the energy needed by the bees.
- Variety of manufactured products; Currently, the basic product is spring (preventing diseases and increasing honey harvest) and winter (increasing spawning and preparation for the start of the honey production season).
- Stimulating feeding of the queen
- The highly toxic chemical composition of 5hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) is very low, which is not dangerous for honey bees.