Together from innovation to production
The ability to communicate and network with investors and experts is one of the most important values for startups, especially in the early stages. The health sector has its own stakeholders, almost all of whom are powerful. Octotech’s ability is to provide as much external support as possible for startup growth. For example, connecting with doctors and other key players in the industry can familiarize you with their expectations and roles, which have a meaningful and vital relationship with the startup’s viability.


Access to investors through the Octotech accelerator in the form of the presence of the investor as a mentor in the accelerator, holding various contests and competitions with the presence of different investment groups, introduction to investors through holding various events such as Demo Day and providing seed capital for startups in exchange Taking a few shares from them is done to facilitate the attraction of capital by startups. Our mission is completed in playing a role in attracting startup capital.
Such as access to the Internet and communication equipment, printing equipment, joint secretariat, joint meeting room, coffee shop and rest area, etc., providing specialized infrastructure in specialized accelerators is one of the attractiveness of the presence of startups in these acceleration centers. For example, access to or possession of a specialized and advanced laboratory, equipment with high processing power (server), joint industrial prototyping workshop, 3D printers, etc., to provide the workplace for startups, desks, meeting rooms and such places in We have decided that if necessary, we will also provide the possibility of formalizing their work by renting an office to new startups. We have also considered the possibility of using advanced laboratories and technological infrastructure for our teams. In addition to what has been stated, our services in Octotech also include other things such as providing human resources, solving legal issues, and accounting and financial issues.

Infrastructure and facilities

A strong network leads to finding strong mentors; So these two factors are almost identical. The best efficiency happens when each mentor works with a startup and interacts with the rest of the teams. Our mentorship program is relatively intensive in order to be compatible with the limited time the teams are in the accelerator. The selection of mentors will be proportional to the needs of the teams. We identify the potential needs of the teams well in order to provide the best mentors to the teams. Perhaps the question arises, why should important, experienced and successful people dedicate their time to new startups? Mentors participate in accelerator programs; Because our mentors enjoy doing it. They are interested in working with creative, young and thoughtful people. In addition, many mentors attend accelerators to expand their communication network.

Get the plan
During specific periods of time, calls are published with the aim of recruiting teams and ideas in the fields of medicine and food. Then, based on the criteria and according to the predetermined capacity and strategies, the accepted plans are selected to enter the acceleration period.

non-disclosure agreement
In order to ensure the preservation of the intellectual property of the project, Octotech’s legal team concludes a non-disclosure agreement with the entrepreneur’s team.

face-to-face meetings
After the initial review and selection of the desired plans, a face-to-face meeting will be held with the entrepreneur team and the Octotech investment committee.